Awards & Recognition

Dr. Banerjee has been known for her compassionate style; she always takes the time to get to know each patient and answer all of their questions. Her dedicated efforts and pioneering work in the field have been recognized worldwide.

Some of the prestigious awards and honors, she has been felicitated with are as follows –

Papers Published

  1. Buckshee K, Banerjee K, Bhatla N. Uterine balloon therapy to treat menorrhagia. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1998;63(2):139-43.
  2. Banerjee K, Buckshee K, Bhatla N, Dattagupta S. Thermal balloon endometrial ablator: a preclinical safety and effectiveness study. J Obstet Gynecol Res 1999;25(2):143-6.
  3. Banerjee K, Sharma JB. Episiotomy should be given in all primigravidas (debate). Obstetrics and Gynaecology Today, 1999;IV(5):327-31.
  4. Roy KK, Malhotra N, Banerjee K. Recurrent eclampsia in a woman with chronic pyelonephritis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2001;94(2):307-8.
  5. Banerjee K, Banerjee N, Kapoor SK. Spontaneous perineal delivery- a rare case report. Obstet Gynaecol Today 2001;
  6. Banerjee K, Roy KK, Malhotra N, Deka D. Granulosa cell tumour of the ovary and with multiple associated pathologies. Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice 2002; 6 (7): 27-29.
  7. Gupta S, Banerjee K, Bhardwaj DN, Dogra TD. Maternal death and induced abortion- A critical analysis. Journal of Family Welfare 2000;46(1): 57-60.
  8. Banerjee K, Deka D. Endometrial ablation techniques in dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Today 2002; 7 (5) : 266-271.
  9. Banerjee K, Dattagupta S, Mathur S. Angiomyofibroblastoma of the vagina- a rare case report.. Archives of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2003 (electronic publication).
  10. Mishra R, Banerjee K, Mittal S. Omental cyst mimicking adnexal torsion laparoscopic excision. Indian Journal of Gynaecological Endoscopy. 2003 ; 8(1): 26-27.
  11. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Mishra R, Gulati MS, Gupta SD. Bladder leiomyoma presenting as a large pelvic mass. J Obstet Gynecol Res. 2003; 29(4) : 239-242.
  12. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Kumar S. Accuracy of estimating fetal weight by ultrasound in the Indian population. Ultrasound International 2004;10(1):6-10.
  13. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Kriplani A. Inclusion and exclusion of cord and limbs during ultrasonic estimation of liquor in predicting adverse pregnancy outcome. Int J Gynecol Obstet (India) 2004;7(3):23-26.
  14. Banerjee K, Kriplani A, Kumar V, Rawat KS, Kabra M. Detection of fetomaternal heamorrhage in first trimester abortions by Kleihaur-betke test and MSAFP. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2004;49(3):205-9.
  15. Thind A, Banerjee K.Home Deliveries in Indonesia: Who provides assistance? Journal Comm Health , 2004;29:285-303.
  16. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Kumar S. Clinical vs.ultrasound evaluation of fetal weight.Int. Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.2004;86:41-43.
  17. Roy KK,Hegde P,Banerjee K. et al Fimbrio-ovarian relationship inunexplained infertility.Gynecol Obstet Invest.2005;60(3):128-32.
  18. Kipalani A,Banerjee K An overview of the age of onset of natural menopause in Northern India..Maturitas. 2005;52(3-4):199-204.
  19. Khairy M, Banerjee K, El- Toukhy T, Coomarasamy A, Khalaf Y Aspirin in women undergoing IVF treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis Fertil Steril, 88(4) 822-31.
  20. Banerjee K, Singla B. A boon for infertility patients: Ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonist. Fertil Sci Res 2015;2:150-3.
  21. Banerjee K, A retrospective study of different endometrial preparation protocols and its impact on the outcome of frozen embryo transfer, donor recipient and surrogacy cycles. JPOG 2016;7:155-59.
  22. Banerjee K, Singla B, Bajaj P. Does travelling after embryo transfer affects the pregnancy outcome? GJRA 2017;6: 390-91
  23. Banerjee K, Singla B, Mishra A, Agaria K. Successful Pregnancy outcome in Retrograde Ejaculation – Interesting Case Report. J Gynecol Reprod Med 2017;1(4):1-2
  24. Banerjee K, Singla B. Pregnancy outcome of home intravaginal insemination in couples with unconsummated marriage. J Hum Reprod Sci 2017;10 (4): 293-96.
  25. Banerjee K, Singla B, Shweta. Role of low dose intravenous immunoglobulin in IVF failure – a retrospective analysis. J Clin Rev Case Rep, 2018;3(1):1-3
  26. Banerjee K, Singla B, Shaili . Is AMH a predictor of pregnancy outcome in infertile females? IJAR, 2018;8(3):289-90.
  27. Banerjee K, Singla B. Acceptance of donor eggs, donor sperms or donor embryos in indian infertile couples. J Hum Reprod Sci 2018;11:169-71.
  28. Banerjee K, Maheshwari D. Recurrent endometriosis and ART. JPOG 2018;:114-18.
  29. Banerjee K, Singla B, Gautam S. Evaluation of Quality of Life in Infertile Couples. Gynecol Reprod Health. 2018; 2(6): 1-3.
  30. Banerjee K, Singla B, Mishra A, Agria K, Bharti A. Successful case of Embryo formation with Round Spermatid Injection: A Case Report. Int J Med Sci Inn Res, 2019; 4 (2): 60-63.
  31. Banerjee K, Singla B. Successful retrieval of oocytes from renal transplant recipient followed by surrogacy [Letter to editor]. Indian J Nephrol 2020; 30:50-1.
  32. Banerjee K, Singla B, Verma P. Successful retrieval of oocytes followed by surrogacy in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [Letter to editor]. Indian J Endocr Metab 2020;24:287-8.
  33. Banerjee K, Singla B. HIV Uninfected Conception in Serodiscordant Couple: Case Reports. G Women’s Health Car 2020; 2 (3): 1-3.
  34. Banerjee K, Khoiwal K, Singla B Luteal phase support in assisted reproductive technologies: a comprehensive review. Fertil Sci Res 2020;7:135-40.
  35. Banerjee K, Singla B. Impact of general anesthesia during embryo transfer on pregnancy outcomes. International journal of scientific research 2021; 10 (2): 63-64.
  36. Banerjee K, Singla B. IVF outcome in females with hypothyroidism with strict control of TSH levels. Indian journal of applied research 2021; 11 (2): 86-87.
  37. Banerjee K, Singla B. Role of Endometrial Scratching in Implantation Failures. Obstet Gynecol Res 2021; 4 (4): 214-219.
  38. Banerjee K, Singla B, Verma P. Efficacy of subcutaneous granulocyte colonystimulating factor infusion for treating thin endometrium. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2022 Mar;49(1):70-73.
  39. Banerjee K, Singla B. Experience of Covid 19 in pregnancy in fertility center: A case series. Paripex – Indian journal of research. 2022 July; 11 (7): 90-91.
  40. Agarwal K, Banerjee K. Thyroid Autoimmunity and Implantation Failure. International Journal of Advanced Research in Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2022;Vol 3 No.1.
  41. Banerjee K, Thind A, Bhatnagar N, Singla B, Agria K, Bajaj P, et al. Effect of reproductive and lifestyle factors on anti-mullerian hormone levels in women of Indian origin. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2022; 15:259-71.
  42. Banerjee K, Singla B, Agria K. Correlation of serum FSH and rate of testicular sperm retrieval in nonobstructive azoospermia. Indian J Endocr Metab 2023; 27:1679.

Abstracts Published

  1. Banerjee K. Clinical experience of diabetes in pregnancy- risk factors maternal and fetal outcome. Published in the proceedings of the 13th All India Congress of the Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology (1997), New Delhi.
  2. Banerjee K, Buckshee K. Thermal balloon endometrial ablator: A preclinical safety and effectiveness study. Published in the proceedings of the International Congress of Fallopian Tubes (1998), Mumbai
  3. Banerjee K, Buckshee K, Bhatla N, Datta Gupta S. Uterine Balloon Therapy: A modern method to treat menorrhagia. Published in the proceedings of 52nd Annual Congress of the Japan Society of Obsterics and Gynaecology (200), Tokushima, Japan.
  4. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Kriplani A. Inclusion or exclusion of cord and limbs during ultrasonic estimation of liquor in predicting adverse pregnancy outcome. Published in the abstract book of the 12th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obst & Gynaecol. 2002; Pg. 30.
  5. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Kriplani A. The Role of clinical and ultrasonographic estimates of amniotic fluid volume in predicting adverse pregnancy outcome. Published in the abstract book of the 12th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obst & Gynaecol. 2002; Pg. 31
  6. Banerjee K, Mittal S, Jain SK. Accuracy of estimating fetal weight-clinical or ultrasonological ? .Ultrasound Obst. Gyne 2003;(22)1:124.
  7. Banerjee K,Mittal S,Jain SK. Accuracy of estimating fetal weight by ultrasound inthe Indian Population. Ultrasound Obst. Gyne 2003;(22)1:124.
  8. Banerjee K. Pre-IVF Hysteroscopy – is it a must? San Fransisco, CA ASRM Abstract Book: Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine, American Society of Reproductive Medicine.2008;90(1):447-448.
  9. Banerjee K. An Interesting case of male infertility. San Fransisco, CA ASRM Abstract Book: Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine, American Society of Reproductive Medicine.2008;90(1):463-464

Chapters Published

  1. Deka D, Banerjee K. Gender identity and emotions in adolescent girls. Published in book titled “Adolescent Reproductive Health” by FOGSI-2004.
  2. Kriplani A, Banerjee K. Highly invasive techniques of prenatal diagnosis. Published in book titled “Prenatal Diagnosis’ by FOGSI-2004.
  3. Kriplani A, Banerjee K. Current trends in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding. Published in book titled “Controversies on Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Infertility”-2004.
  4. Banerjee K. Pre implantation genetic diagnosis and sex- selection in Aug 2007.
  5. Banerjee K, Gupta R, Isolated Absolute Asthenozoospermia- to be published.
  6. Banerjee K, Singla B (2020). Procedure in Assisted reproductive technology In Nayana H Patel, Sandro C Esteves (Eds) Advances in Assisted Reproductive Technology (pp. 114 – 120). New Delhi, India: Jaypee – The health sciences publisher.
  7. Banerjee K, Gupta

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